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Kelly McCullough, registered dietitian nutritionist

Kelly McCullough, RDN

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
Expert Content Reviewer

Topics of Expertise

Kelly McCullough is a Clinical Dietitian Nutritionist specializing in health concerns related to weight control and medical issues. Kelly has experience in working with those with diabetes, kidney disease, hypertension, high cholesterol, and other health issues. For her, reducing or eliminating medications and reaching the freedom of a healthy lifestyle is key.

As a sought-after instructional and motivational speaker in nutrition and corporate team building issues, she has also talked to audiences ranging from tens of thousands to small seminars, as well as school and community education programs, educating people in healthy living practices.

"I'm helping men and women transform their lifestyle to control weight, health issues, stress, and emotions that lead to poor choices, and to feel fabulous!"

- Kelly McCullough, RDN

Kelly McCullough is part of Unfold Today's expert review network, which is a group of specialists with different backgrounds that help us fact-check the content created by our editors by reviewing it. This network plays a very important role in Unfold Today's editorial process and helps us fulfill our mission.

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Articles reviewed by Kelly McCullough, RDN

Easy to digest foods that move fast through upset stomach
50 Easy to Digest Foods to Avoid an Upset Stomach
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