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Start unfolding your
body's potential

Unfold Today helps you get impressively fit in a safe, simple, and exciting way.

2000+ people

await our fitness & nutrition tips every week!

Become an Unfolder

Achieve your fitness goals with personalized help from Unfold Today founder Claude Pop, who is also a certified personal trainer, nutritionist, and strength and conditioning specialist. All for a no-brainer investment.


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Join our YouTube community

Claudiu Pop from Unfold Today on camera while filming for the Unfold Fitness YouTube channel.

Start watching our YouTube channel for high-quality video recipes, guides, and tips regarding fitness and nutrition. Also, you can interact with our community of subscribers who are all there to learn in their pursuit of a better body and health. We have thousands of viewers already, so join us! 


The team behind Unfold Today

Since journalist and nutritionist Claudiu Pop founded Unfold Today in 2019, he assembled a unique team of content creators and expert reviewers, like registered dietitians and certified personal trainers, who put in thousands of hours of research and collaboration to produce high-quality content.

Also known as The Unfolders, the team follows a highly refined editorial process to create safe and exciting content that helps people grow easier in all areas of life.

"Some people have called us 'life savers' and many have expressed their love for our recipes. This motivates us and gives us fuel to keep creating amazing content." - Claudiu Pop, founder of Unfold Today.

Learn more about Unfold Today
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